
energy + guide
DCHP-2 (Apr 2016)

Spelling variants:

n. proprietary

the brand name for a federal government program that rates the energy efficiency of household appliances, new light-duty vehicles and new houses.

Type: 1. Origin EnerGuide is a federal government program introduced in 1978 (see the 1978 quotation).
See also COD-2, which marks the term "Cdn".


The Canadian Government recently annnounced a program called Energuide, requiring manufacturers to put prominent labels on major household electrical appliances specifying how much energy the machines consume.
To determine operating costs, compare the average kilowatt hours (kwh) consumed in one month which are printed on Energuide labels stuck on refrigerators.
All new large electrical appliances sold in Canada must have an EnerGuide efficiency rating.
A survey by a professor from the University of Guelph found that the most recognizable product mark was the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, followed by Energuide.
This is the first time a partnership like this among the federal and Yukon governments and the Kaska Tribal Council has been formed to carry out the Energuide for Houses program in the Yukon and northern British Columbia.
The ecoENERGY award winners display will showcase the 12 vehicles that use the least fuel in each of 10 categories, according to Natural Resources Canada's EnerGuide fuel consumption ratings.
Anyone who has bought a new car in recent years knows that the energy-efficiency stickers from the EPA in the United States and EnerGuide in Canada are exercises in creative embellishment.


  • COD-2