
DCHP-2 (Oct 2016)
COD-2 lists the term without any labels

pertaining to Newfoundland.

Type: 1. Origin The adjectival meaning is likely the oldest usage, but it was transferred to things and living creatures from Newfoundland early on, such as the puppy referred to in the 1872 quotation.


[I have chosen a name for it already: it shall be called Newfy [a puppy], because its mother came from Newfoundland.]
There's that in a Newfy winter-night worth all the power in a war-torn world!
No Survivors in Newfie Crash
Newfie Group to Study Canadian Documents; Begin Parley Next Week
He has succeeded in stopping the Greenpeace organization from hampering the efforts of those noble Newfie seal hunters who, each spring, club to death thousands of baby harp seals.
Well, chop the beam! It's a Newfie dictionary. (Newfoundland slang).
They are fresh, energetic and very talented but, of course, being young, they aren't yet masters of technique -- the sorts of things old curmudgeons like me worry about sometimes. But I didn't worry about it much last night. Their characters came alive, they carried off their accents with creditable consistency (I'm no expert on Newfie-speak but they sure sounded right), they clicked with each other and they reached out to the audience and brought their story alive. What more could I ask for?
McGrath's wig is a shade of orange not seen since Lucille Ball was in her prime, and he's given the character a hint of Newfie accent and some Mary Walsh attitude.
May 24 long weekend most importantly was the first official spring outing with friends and family. Newfie music would be blasting through your battery operated boom box or car speakers, and you could be guaranteed a few Newfie jigs among friends were going to happen.
2n. Slang, informal, dated


Type: 1. Origin It seems that this meaning is (was) used by mainlanders (see mainland, meaning 1a), not by Newfoundlanders themselves. It is likely declining in frequency, which can be seen in the few attestations we were able to find, most notably not since 1988. This clipping Newfoundland > Newfie seems have originated in Canada.
See: mainland(meaning 1a)


"This certainly is a change after those winters off Sydney and Newfie," said one.
Visiting 'Newfie' was another thrill, the attainment of a goal for Jim because, since joining the Navy 17 months ago, he has now set foot on each of Canada's ten provinces.
Nobody in Newfie . . . underestimates Joey Smallwood's abilities as a propagandist.
Being stationed in Newfie was like being in another country.
3n. Ethnicities, usually derogatory when used by outsiders

a native or resident of Newfoundland.

Type: 5. Frequency This is the most common meaning today, used by both Newfoundlanders and mainlanders. In the North American context, the term is most frequent in Canada (see Chart 1). In South Africa (.za) and New Zealand (.nz), the term refers exclusively to the Newfoundland dog breed.
However, when used by mainlanders, Newfie acquires quite negative connotations (see, e.g. Newfie joke), which is why we recommend non-Newfoundlanders use the unclipped version: Newfoundlander (see also the 2007 quotation). See Chart 2, which shows that Prince Edward Islanders and Nova Scotians use the term almost three times as much as Newfoundlanders themselves.


The Newfies were there in that area until March 14th, when they embarked for France.
Cod fishing has, of course, long been synonymous with Newfoundland, but today the canny 'Newfies' are no longer putting all their economic eggs in one basket.
. . . Carter is one of those delightfully independent Newfies who refuses to bow and scrape before the powerful Mr. Pickersgill.
It's just a joke when the other guys call me 'You blankety-blank Chief.' It's the same as them saying 'You blankety-blank Westerner' or 'You blankety-blank Newfie.'
If Quebec pulls out, where does that leave us welfare bums of confederation? What happens to us 2 million bluenosers, herringchokers, spud islanders and Newfies?
He proferred his credentials with a wide grin: "I'm a Newfie. I took care of the last guy for six years, and now I'm taking care of this guy."
Her husband tries to come to terms with his stubborn father, but soon realizes it's hopeless, and returns to Ontario. He's an alien at home, and a Newfie in Ontario, a man who has lost his true identity.
Taking a weekend drive to Calgary April 30 may be a worthwhile exercise for people interested in buying a condominium, learning more about them, or even managing them as a professional. The first event of its kind in Alberta, it was organized by this province's Mr. Condominium, that energetic transplanted Newfie, Bob Kelly.
From transient troll to hero: a bridge-dwelling, pot-smoking Newfie saves two women in Banff (Ernest French).
"So basically I'm half Newfie and half Italian," Bilancione says from Los Angeles. "I haven't been there yet. One of these days, that's on my list. My cousins e-mail me and they're like, 'We're so proud of you' and all of this."
[...] once again implying, as has just about every federal government since Confederation, that the crowd on the "Rock" (as derogatory a term, in my estimation, as "Newfie") are incapable of handling their own affairs.
And why would the Newfies - who of the lot I'd be happiest to support, if only because they know how to both fight and fish - be left out in the cold while the denizens of Montreal and Toronto are getting financial back rubs? Oil and gas, that's why.


  • COD-2


Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 8 Apr. 2016

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 8 Apr. 2016

Chart 2: Regional Domain Search, 7 Jul. 2016

Chart 2: Regional Domain Search, 7 Jul. 2016