
[< Henry Ryan, early circuit preacher in Upper Canada]
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.


See 1959 quote.


The Ryanite controversy turned chiefly on the refusal at first of the American General Conference to separate the Canada work from its jurisdiction.
In 1826 to 1830, in Hamilton, and generally in Upper Canada, there were four divisions--the Episcopal Methodists, in connection with the American body; the Ryanites, as they were called, or Canadian Wesleyans of that day; the New Connexion body, who had a church on Main, near Walnut Street; and the Old Primitives--the extremists, or some called them English ranters.
Henry Ryan was "Received on Trail" in Vergennes, Vt., in 1800 and served in the Bay of Quinte 1805, 1806. He was located in 1827 and in 1829, with James Jackson, founded a rival to the Methodist Episcopal Conference which he called the Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Church, also known as the Ryanites.