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DCHP-2 (Jul 2012)
Spelling variants:Atom
1n. — Sports
a level of sport for children up to 10, usually 9-10 in hockey.
Type: 3. Semantic Change — This meaning is an extension of the meaning of atom as 'any very small object (without the implication that it is a particle of something else); a (relatively) tiny person or thing' (OED-3, s.v. "atom" (9a)). The age range varies from sport to sport and over time, see, e.g. the quotations from 1968 (7-10) and 1989 (under 8), or the 1998 quotation in meaning 2 (9).
See also COD-2, s.v. "atom" (2a), which is marked "Cdn", ITP Nelson, s.v. "atom" (4), which is marked "Hockey".
See also COD-2, s.v. "atom" (2a), which is marked "Cdn", ITP Nelson, s.v. "atom" (4), which is marked "Hockey".
[Heading] Toronto Hockey League
(Levels Listed)
Although there is no bodychecking permitted at this age level, defenceman Lokas Loukidis said he found it more difficult to stop the older players because "they have different moves than atom players in our league."
\"When I first began coaching at the atom level, I did it because I honestly believed that football was a great game for youngsters.
Included in the weekend of festivities will be the fifth-annual North American Native Minor Hockey Tournament of Champions, with 12 teams per division, and entries at the squirt, novice, atom, peewee, bantam and midget levels.
Hockey dad on trial for death threat: Montreal police officer yelled "I'll kill him" to referee of atom game, witnesses testify.
2n. — Sports
a player in such a division.
Type: 3. Semantic Change — See meaning 1.
See also COD-2, s.v. "atom" (2b), which is marked "Cdn".
See also COD-2, s.v. "atom" (2b), which is marked "Cdn".
Success has taken its toll. Burrows' training methods have attracted players to Etobico, but his squad, with its confident players and strong team spirit, has become the farm team for the major ranks. Last year, six of his minor atoms were grabbed by major teams.
I was an atom, so I guess I was nine years old.
In the usual trio of OMHA starts last week Tuesday, Cobourg scored 30 goals in going 3-0 at Memorial Arena. The Burnett Realtors minor atoms kicked things off with a balanced 7-3 win over Pickering before the Port Britain Chemicals major bantams also beat Pickering, 8-4 with their offense being tamed after two.
- OED-3
- ITP Nelson
- COD-2