
DCHP-2 (Jul 2012)
1n. in a lexicalized phrase come from away or CFA; Atlantic Canada

a person who is not from Atlantic Canada or any of its provinces.

Type: 1. Origin The term, which is a lexicalized phrase, is used in Atlantic Canada, i.e. Newfoundland and the three Maritime Provinces (Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick) to refer to the respective location, e.g. on Prince Edward Island (PEI), the term means 'not from PEI'. The expression is perhaps most frequently reported for Newfoundland and is hardly, if at all, used outside of Canada (see Chart 1). Within Canada, PEI is the clear leader, followed by Newfoundland and, with some lag, Nova Scotia (Chart 2). Other hits refer to these uses in the Maritimes.
See: across,CFA


I guess that are citizen came from away down east out of the Notch of the White Mountains.
Visitors in Newfoundland are called CFA's (Come From Away) and in honor of the CFAs, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Crosbie gave a bus tour of the city, with Gertrude Crosbie as the talking guide.
A CFA, for mainlanders who haven't been exposed to Newfie jargon, is a come from away and is used to refer to anyone who isn't from Newfoundland or Labrador. They'll call you a CFA to your face, but it's perfectly acceptable; the label isn't pejorative.
AS A CFA (Comes From Away), I didn't know Newfoundland could be so different and still be Canada; although, when I missed my plane connection to St. John's and had to overnight in Halifax, I should have guessed, if only from the fact that Newfoundland is half an hour later than anywhere else in Atlantic North America.
The most anyone can aspire to is the title of CFA (Come-From-Away) uttered in a civil tone.
I no longer feel like I come from away. Newfoundland is home.
"We Newfies fear the CFAs (Come-From-Aways) will learn about Canada's best-kept secret and stake out all the good trouting spots before we get a chance to retire back home. Oh, dear, is CFA an epithet? Please don't take it badly. You're always welcome."
Even if a stranger takes up residence in a village, he is a CFA, or come from away.
Why, if I had a loonie for every time an Amherstonian was irritated by some CFA tourist who insisted on pronouncing the town's name with a hard 'H,' I'd be able to buy enough gasoline to travel to that fine but now increasingly distant community for a weekend visit to their lovely Farmer's Market.
2adv. usually from away, Atlantic Canada

a place other than Atlantic Canada.

Type: 3. Semantic Change Away acquires the specialized meaning 'not from Atlantic Canada'.
See also COD-2, s.v. "away" (6), which is marked "Cdn (Nfld & Maritimes)".


They've come hunting from away over in Illinois.
"If you hear someone say a distinct 'ing', you can assume they are either from the university staff or Confederation Centre, the arts centre in Charlottetown; both institutions hire many people 'from away'." The latter phrase, used even in the island's daily newspapers, denotes anyone not P.E.I.-born and is regularly applied to someone who has lived there for 70 years.
In mocking the locals, I think, my friend, who was born in Quebec, was really attacking the insularity that permeates the Maritimes; the attitude, however gentle, that no matter how long you've lived there, you're still "from away" if your family hasn't been there for generations.
[...] including outbound tours for travel anywhere in the world to motor coach tours of Atlantic Canada for groups from away.
We must ensure that everyone, in every part of New Brunswick, benefits - from a better job, a more vibrant community, returning home from away, improved infrastructure, better funded services


  • COD-2


                  Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 10 Sep. 2012

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 10 Sep. 2012

         Chart 2: Regional Domain Search, 19 Mar. 2016

Chart 2: Regional Domain Search, 19 Mar. 2016