
DCHP-2 (Mar 2016)

Spelling variants:
bâtonnier, Battonier

n. Law; Quebec

the title for the president of a Quebec bar association.

Type: 2. Preservation This term and position originates from France (see OED-3), which makes the term a direct borrowing from French. Bâtonniers are elected by a yearly vote of the members of the bar association.
See also COD-2, s.v. "bâtonnier", which is marked as "in Quebec", Gage-5, s.v. "batonnier", which is marked as "Cdn.", and OED-3, s.v. "bâtonnier", which mentions the "Bar of Paris and of Quebec".


XII. And be it enacted, That during the six months immediately following the annual elections of the said Councils of Sections, the said Councils shall meet together at least once, in Quebec or Montreal, alternately, as shall be determined by the Batonniers of the different sections...
At a meeting of the members of the General Council of the Bar of Lower Canada held in this city on Friday last, L. N. [xxx] Battonier, of the Three Rivers Bar, was elected President of the Bar of the Province of Quebec, and F. X. Archambeault, of the Montreal Bar, re-elected Secretary-Treasurer of the General Council.
Mr. A. J. Brown, K.C., who was in Edmonton recently in connection with the suit of the government against the Royal Bank, whose chief counsel he is, is a distinguished member of the Montreal Bar, of which he is batonnier for the present year.
From 1891 to 1893 he was Batonnier of the Bar in the district of Montreal. Senator Beique has been engaged as counsel in many celebrated cases.
Mr. St. Laurent has served as batonnier of the local Quebec City Bar, batonnier-general of Quebec Province Bar and president of the Canadian Bar Association.
Two Quebec lawyers surveyed, including the batonnier of the Quebec Bar, said changes are likely this year in that province, where lawyers at present may use only business cards stating firm names, addresses and telephone numbers.
McMaster was honored by his colleagues by election as Batonnier of the Montreal Bar and was famous for the number of cases pleaded before the Privy Council in London, then the final court of appeal in the British Empire.
Collier happened to mention the Bar had no baton when he was visiting a Ste. Agathe antiques dealer who introduced him to Montreal's [...] ecole d'ebenisterie. He had already researched the history of the title of Batonnier (the name given to those who preside over bar associations representing the civil vs. common law tradition) and designs for batons, even contacting the Versailles bar association in France. The result? A surprise for Latour, and a smoothly polished circular piece of mahogany more than five feet long that pays homage to a ceremony that started in France in the Middle Ages (circa 1345).
But the party position, worked out by a committee headed by Gilles Ouimet, a former Batonnier or head of the Quebec Bar Association and Liberal MNA for the Laval riding of Fabre, reaffirms Liberal opposition to any ban on religious symbols.


  • OED-3
  • Gage-5
  • COD-2