
DCHP-2 (Nov 2012)
n. Prairies, Food

a donut without a hole, filled with either jam or cream (see Image 1).

Type: 3. Semantic Change The term is semantically versatile. According to COD-2, bismarck refers to a "sugar-coated jam-filled doughnut" in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and in the US Midwest ("chiefly Upper Midwest and western Great Lakes", DARE). In Manitoba, however, it refers to a "cream-filled doughnut, often with chocolate glaze" (see COD-2, s.v. "bismarck" [1 & 2]). These claims are difficult to evaluate, as the term is usually used without an explanation of which type of doughnut is being referred to. Bismarck occurs in two meanings in the US: besides a jelly-filled donout, it is also an oblong donut (DARE, s.v. "Bismarck"). A prevalence of spellings can be reported that reveals a Canadian dimension: when coupled with the term doughnut, bismarck has a higher frequency in the US (see Chart 1). But when paired with donut, the term has a higher frequency in Canada (see Chart 2, see also Charts 2 & 3 at Timbits). In all likelihood, the meaning 'jam-filled donut' is a North American term. Bismarck in Manitoba appears to have undergone a localized semantic change.
The name may be linked to Germany's first chancellor Otto von Bismarck, governing from 1871-1890, who is said to have taken a liking to them. While the period coincides with German out-migration to Canada and US, no reliable source could be found to confirm this origin.
See also ITP Nelson, s.v. "bismarck", which is marked "Prairie Canada", DARE, s.v. "bismarck n.", which marks it as "chiefly Upper Midwest, wGreat Lakes"
See: Burlington bun,jambuster,Timbits(Charts 2 & 3)
A bismarck is only one of many names for this type of filled doughnut (e.g. Krapfen, Berliner and many others), but the name that was propagated by the German-speaking migrants to Central Canada and that spread into Canadian English was bismarck.


Fried cakes, as such, were a contribution of early Dutch settlers when they arrived on our shores but [sic] they were in a solid shape, more like the bismarck of oblong twisted cruller familiar to most of us.
A jelly doughnut and a jelly roll, a turnover and a pocketbook, a Bismarck and a bear claw?
Sharplin's new comedy, running through Sunday in the Arts Barns as part of Edmonton Theatre Squared's New Works series, is more of a bismarck than a doughnut. It's full of something sticky, and, when squeezed by unexpected forces, it's apt to squirt, farce-style, all over the characters.
Two weeks ago I asked if anyone knew of a Quebec equivalent for jambuster, bismarck and Burlington bun, all of which are used elsewhere in Canada to mean a jam-packed doughnut, sprinkled with sugar. Sharon Budd wrote from Shefford to say: "I grew up during the 1950s in Knowlton, where my grandmother owned the Lakeview Inn. Her son, my Dad, worked with her and one of his jobs was to drive to nearby Cowansville to buy liquor from the Liquor Commission. If I was lucky enough to go with him, he always bought me a jelly doughnut from the bakery. So to this baby boomer it's still always Liquor Commission and jelly doughnut."
Proprietor Lucy Lu puts out a small selection of standards daily, from a raspberry bismarck to a plain glazed.


  • ITP Nelson
  • COD-2
  • DARE


        Image 1: Type of donut very similar to <i>bismarcks</i>. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Photo: McZusatz)

Image 1: Type of donut very similar to bismarcks. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Photo: McZusatz)

        Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 11 Sep. 2013

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 11 Sep. 2013

Chart 2: Internet Domain Search, 11 Sep. 2013

Chart 2: Internet Domain Search, 11 Sep. 2013