
DCHP-2 (Jul 2013)
n. & adj. Education, now historical

the successful completion of the secondary school courses required for university entrance; often in a compound, as in matriculation class.

Type: 3. Semantic Change Matriculation appears to have undergone semantic change in Canada. OED-3 defines the term as entrance into a university or college (see OED-3, s.v. "matriculation" (1)), while in Canada, matriculation may mean the completion of secondary education at a level that would allow admission to university. However, both meanings can be found in Canada. The difference lies in the meaning of the term, while the frequencies of the form alone (Chart 1) provide the insight that the term is Canadian by frequency in the North American context.
Matriculation should not be confused with graduation; it's possible to graduate from high school without the requirements necessary for admission to university.


To the Governor and Trustees of the College of New-Brunswick, the sum of 1000 to aid them in erecting a new College Building; this grant being upon condition that it shall not be required by the new Charter contemplated for the said College, that any religious test, or subscription to the articles of any Church, be required from Students either on matriculation, or taking their degrees in the said College.
First in the order of proceedings came the admission to degrees and matriculation and scholarships, which was done with the usual very frivolous ceremonies, such as kneeling before the President, which deserves the most pointed condemnation. It is a relic of past times, and the sooner it is done away with the better.
Reports on the spiritual condition of the church were most encouraging. Rev. J.I. Bates, M.A., Ph.D., Principal of the Woodstock Baptist Church, reported an increase in students, and that this year's graduation class was the largest; as also was the matriculation class.
General proficiency prizes: 1921 matriculation class, Evelyn Richardson, Toronto; 1922 matriculation, Lindsey Patts, New York; [xxx] sixth, Nina Crosbie, St. John's, Newfoundland; higher fifth, Audrey Watt [...]
Manufacturing company requires man, ages 27/35, of good appearance, with at least matriculation standing and about 5 years' experience in purchasing methods and procedures in the manufacturing business.
The successful applicant will have a minimum junior matriculation, a year's previous experience in press shop work, 2 years successful supervisory experience and be able to assume responsibilities with a minimum of supervision.
In 1970, I was a just-off-the-boat immigrant, a teenager with little English dead-set on graduating from high school in B.C. Most formidable in the way to matriculation was Grade 11 French or French 11, the compulsory second language subject. The weekly classes on this totally alien tongue aroused and tested my survival instinct.
He then went back to school to acquire his senior matriculation, which eventually led - after working in auto body repair and owning his own shop - to a career teaching auto body repair at Toronto's Brockton high school.
The school was divided into the public school, which accommodated students in the elementary grades, and the continuation school, which covered the early grades of high school, preparing students for junior matriculation.


  • OED-3


        Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 5 Jul. 2013

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 5 Jul. 2013