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DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
a small edible fish, Hiodon alosoides, native to the Lake Winnipeg region, but now found over a wider range in the Northwest. Also spelled mac(c)aysh.
See: goldeye
1793, 1933
The [Assiniboine] River is stocked with the following fish viz--Sturgeons . and Nacaishe. The men call these latter Lacaiche. . . .
Stopped on shore at the Passe . . . when we got a few "gold-eyes" (a kind of fresh herring about a foot long, with bright iris, large and yellow--Indian name Nacaish).
The lacaishe is the moon-eyed toothed herring . . . it occurs elsewhere in the quasi-French form la quesche; but all these are corruptions of the Indian nacaysh.