
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

1n. Maritimes

See barachois 1760 quote.

See: barachois(def. 1)


We left this pond to those who were rash enough to venture being lost there, and entered into an auniguen, which brought us east south-west for above four-hundred fathoms to the pond of Marcochet.
Under the bridge, a creek slips down to lose itself in the brackish water of the pond, a narrow salt lagoon lying inside the channel beach
2n. Esp. Nfld

a lake.


This wood is poplo ridges with small ponds of water. . . .
From the head of the pond, a good otter-path led into Twelve-o'clock Harbour.
. . . towards sundown we reached a large lake or "pond," as they are termed by the natives [in Nfld], fifteen miles long and five broad . . . in this "pond" the beach, which extended about sixty yards from the water to the forest, was formed of the finest white sand.
Everyone knows what a lake is and there are lakes of all sizes from coast to coast, but if you happen to reside in the Eastern Townships of Quebec you may find your lake is called a pond. The generic term, pond, migrated across the boundary with stout settlers from Vermont and New Hampshire, who settled much of this district a hundred and fifty odd years ago.
. . . at Goodyear's Cove . . . the salt sea laves one side of a barachois not twenty yards from a freshwater pond.
3n. Lumbering

an expanse of quiet water where logs, often retained by a boom, are penned till needed.


The timber-merchants regret that they were not found to answer; as they had cleared their ponds and cover of lumber. . . .
[He] incautiously ventured with a pike-pole on a floating log in the pond, at the dam-head.
The mill operation starts when the boom man pokes the nose of a floating log in the pond on to the jackladder. This moving chain is equipped at intervals with steel grips, called log dogs. . . .
The whole operation is done electrically; from the pond to the main mill, through the trading and cutting, to the electronic recording of each parcel for shipment.
4an. Obs.

a deep, still pool in a stream.


The village . . . is . . . on a high bank of the river Credit, where what is termed the Pond of that river begins.
Its rapids prevent its freezing, except in the still water, or "ponds," as the lumberers call them. . . .

a small body of water formed by the back-up from a beaver dam, usually shallow and swampy away from the dam itself.


"I will let my ponds make me an increase for next year when prices should be higher."