
DCHP-2 (Feb 2013)


This is a word that our editors have determined is not a Canadianism.


connected to utilities, such as sewers, electricity and water.

The earliest known attestation of this term is found in The New York Times dated 1924. This term is not currently most frequent in Canada (see Charts 1 & 2). Chart 2 suggests that the term serviced site in reference to campsites is much more frequent in Canada than in the US. However, camping as an activity may be more frequent in Canada, skewing the results.
See also COD-2, s.v. "serviced", which is marked "Cdn & Brit".


Out of a population of 85,700, about 18,500 attend the city schools. The city's area is 421/2 square miles, and part of it is very sparsely settled, although completely serviced by local improvements and utilities. Of its taxation income, 46.3 per cent. is derived from residences, and 37.3 per cent. from commercial and business properties.
The builder offers seven different house styles ranging in price from the $19,650 Rambler model, to the $25,500 Breezeway model, built on a ravine lot overlooking the greenbelt park. All streets are completely serviced and have sidewalks and sodded boulevards.
One of the big hurdles facing the city is the lack of municipal services in the extreme southwestern corner of the city. The grain elevator site is not serviced and there are a group of homes on Auld Street, to the northwest of the elevator, that also have no municipal services. Several years ago, the city decided not to service the general area. As a result, property values are lower than they would be for serviced land.
Water idea gets support City staff will look into whether the city can set up a special fund within the water and sewerage utility to enhance water services in areas that are not serviced by the city. The motion was drafted by Councillor Chris Titus, who got support from many councillors, including Bernie Desmond, who said the idea was a "breath of fresh air."
Once the synagogue is secure on its foundation and serviced with utilities, indoor restoration work will continue through the winter, with an official unveiling for park visitors planned for late June.


  • COD-2


        Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 21 Feb. 2013

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 21 Feb. 2013

Chart 2: Internet Domain Search, 28 May 2013

Chart 2: Internet Domain Search, 28 May 2013