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[< Cdn F (dial.var. of travail) < F travail one of the shafts by which a wheeled vehicle is drawn]
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
a simple wheel-less conveyance originally used by the Indians and made of two poles on which was a platform or net for holding a load, the contrivance being pulled by a dog.
[They make each Dog haul a trunk[?] (made of two sticks tied close together right over the dogs head, the other end which drags upon the ground as far asunder as a pair of Cart wheels, upon which they put from 50 to 100 lbs weight according to the dog's strength) both summer and winter.]
We kept overtaking and passing . . . women and men . . . dogs also with "travoies" carrying smaller loads.
They harnessed dogs as draft-animals, to draw the travois, a device made of trailing poles held together with webbing.
The procession began with the road-breakers, a group who marched first to tramp down the snow for the dogs, who followed drawing the family possessions on travois.
a larger conveyance of similar design, drawn by a horse or pony, the shafts often being teepee poles.
We kept overtaking and passing parties of them, women and men, astride on their ponies with baggage behind them, on the "travoie" . . . .
As they were pulling down their lodges, they were attacked by the followers of Crow's Dance, who fired guns, cut the lodges, upset the travois, killed nineteen dogs, and knocked the men down.
We knew our women would find our trail and follow with the travois ponies.
any of a number of similar simple drags.
Another conveyance which is highly recommended by those who have used it is a species of travois which is manufactured here for use instead of packsaddles.
. . . another barrel was needed for gathering the sweet material. This barrel was usually fastened tightly to a "trauvoy" or "jumper."
". . . Some of these guns are so heavy that they are drawn by horses on strong travois: when they speak it is like thunder, and they will kill more than two miles away."
3bn. — Lumbering
a kind of horse- or ox-drawn drag consisting of two poles or shafts bent so that their ends rode flat along the ground, 4 cross-pieces being fixed to these poles to serve as abed for a platform to carry a load or the butt of a log being skidded to the bank.
Spencer Allen forwarded lumberman's supplies over this road in the early 1840's by means of a "travois."
a logging road or skid road along which a travois (def. 3b) was pulled.
August was not done when the axemen and sawyers started into the woods, as usual, over the travoys which radiated from the village of Travoy and up the Coulogne and Black Rivers for the cuttings.