
DCHP-2 (Mar 2016)

Spelling variants:

n. Hockey

a shot made by hitting the puck with the back side of the hockey stick.

Type: 4. Culturally Significant A backhander, also known as a "backhanded shot", is a type of shot that is made using the back side of the blade of a hockey stick. See the video from an NHL game for an example.
See: slapshot(meaning 1),one-timer,wrist shot


It looked all Quebec, but Shamrock took charge, and although Paddy Mommran and Joe Power sat down in goal, the Irishmen were given a point, Jordan sending the puck in on a back-hander through over-keenness.
Cooke opened the scoring in this period unassisted, shooting from close in. Shewchuk shot in a fast nifty backhander, making the score four to four.
He stick-handled through the entire Stettler team, and was he stick-handling - just ask the fans. Finding that he could not shoot from his usual wing he banged in a backhander which completely fooled the Stettler goaler.
Mortson, without peer as a rushing rearguard, carried the puck through the Hab team in a crowd-rousing end-to-end dash, only to have Durnan save on Gus' short backhander. Generally, however, the Leafs and the Habs had few clear, hard shots on the nets.
Gauthier had Leiter well covered but he let loose a soft backhander on the ice and the goaler, well out of his cage, was beaten as it ticked off his skate.
It is not a hard shot like the slap shot, nor does it demand all the follow through of a backhander or a wrist shot.
Warrior Ryan Macgregor emerged from the penalty box to find a belated Christmas present: a loose puck and half a sheet of ice to himself. He made the most of his gift, shelving a backhander past Boyce on a superb deke.
The best part of it may have been Henrik's sweet move on Antti Niemi, outwaiting the Sharks goalie down low and tucking in a backhander for a third-period power play goal that stood up as the winner.
Larkin scored on a nifty backhander to polish off the breakaway at 9:20 of the first period.


  • Backhander (M. Garborik)