
DCHP-2 (Jul 2016)
n. Hockey

a shot in hockey where a player receives a pass and instantly shoots the puck without trying to control it first; a quick, powerful redirection of the puck (see Video).

Type: 4. Culturally Significant A one-timer is a type of hockey shot that requires great precision and perfect timing on the shooter's part since the puck is not stopped, but shot directly, usually towards the goal. One-timers cause many problems for the goaltender, who often does not have time to react (see the 2015 reference). One-timers are partially a development to faster play commencing in the 1970s/80s. As Chart 1 shows, the term is most frequently used in Canada, with a large margin the UK and even the US.


''I'm not looking for the one-timer, I'll shoot from anywhere, but people seem to most of all recognize me for this," the National Hockey League's highest-scoring Finnish emigre said after a recent workout in preparation for the next playoff round, against either the Toronto Maple Leafs or the Detroit Red Wings.
"I went to lift the puck (goalmouth) but he got his stick over," said Simpson. "I was ready for a one-timer from Jari (Kurri) but he held onto it to get control and instead of stopping my momentum carried me too far and I had to reach behind me for the pass."
The Canadiens took a 1-0 lead just 19 seconds into the game when Linden scored on a one-timer from the slot. Tucker tied it from in close at 10:46 of the second period.
Kesler passed to Janik Hansen, who made a move and then fed Torres for an easy one-timer into a wide-open net. Thomas, his critics said, had overplayed the Kesler-to-Hansen pass.
The one-timer is often used in an odd man advantage situation where the puck carrier draws the defenseman toward him, then quickly passes the puck to his teammate who immediately shoots the puck. This does not give the goaltender much time to reposition to block the shot coming from a different angle, so it can often result in a goal.


  • One-timer goal (Ovechkin)


Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 14 Jun. 2016

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 14 Jun. 2016