
DCHP-2 (Jul 2016)

Spelling variants:
slap shot slap-shot

1n. Hockey

a powerful shot of the puck. See video below (slapshot goal by PK Subban).

Type: 4. Culturally Significant A slapshot is a type of shot in use since the early days of the sport (see the 1934 quotation). It is performed by hitting the puck at about the midpoint of a very wide rotation arc. The wide stick movement alerts the goaltender, so that the primary asset of the shot lies in its force, which is often described with modifiers such as "blazing" (see the 1934 quotation) or verbs like "hammered" (see the 1993 quotation). Like the more precise but much less powerful wrist shot, the slapshot, which is sometimes called "slapper", is a basic hockey shot.


Armand Mondou put Canadiens in the lead in the first period when his blazing "slap shot" scored from the penalty spot after Alex Levinsky had tripped Roger Jenkins who was in a scoring position.
Howie Lee and Bob Hassard were going concerns for the Dukes. Lee figured in all four of his team's goals, scoring the first and helping on the next three. George Armstrong got one and Bob Hassard the last pair. Hassard also muffed a couple of good chances, taking time out to steady away for a shot when a slap-shot was in order.
. . . Mahovlich, who unleashed one of his slap-shots from about twenty feet, saw it stopped by Gordie Howe. . . .
Balderis opened the scoring at the 1:59 mark of the first period. Tim Krug, playing his second game, tied the score for Team Canada when his unexpected slapshot from the point caught Soviet netminder Yuri Nikitin flat-footed.
Krywko, who scored just three times in 28 regular season games, hammered a low slapshot from the point past David Bell on a power play in the second period, a goal that stood up as the game-winner.
Turning Point: Tied 2-2, Todd Norman ripped a slapshot just inside the post with 3:14 remaining in regulation to give St. FX a 3-2 lead.
We started off with setup. I'm a hockey player, and you ideally want to take a slap shot with the puck positioned toward your back foot. In golf, the ball should be teed up at your front foot.
2v. Hockey, past tense of to slapshoot, which itself is very rare

to forcefully hit the puck towards the net; performing a slapshot.

Type: 4. Culturally Significant Though less common than the noun form, slapshot is occasionally used as a verb (see quotations).


HOME ICE ADVANTAGE The mice enjoyed the poison very much. They slap-shot it against the compost bucket all night.
Andricopoulos gave St. Thomas a 3-2 lead when he slap shot from the halfway beat Perricone, and Bonneau put STU up two with a weak snapper that handcuffed the X netminder and trickled across the line with 12 minutes left in regulation.


  • Slapshot goal (PK Subban)